“Love is like a poisonous mushroom. You don’t know if it is the real thing until it is too late..”

April 10, 2011

A Night to Remember

Quick entry after one crazy hour of mosquito hunting with my roomies. Yup, exactly a night to be remembered since all of us crazily hunt for each one of it. Punca n sebab utama tiba2 ade opps cegah nyamuk sebab yat da tak tahan almost every night kene gigit nyamuk..sampai tak tido satu malam sebab diganggu nyamuk sedangkan diri ini tidur selena-lenanya..hehe
Melompat and menjerit sebab nak pukul sekor nyamuk cam ape je tadi..for sure budak2 bilik bawah da bengang sebab bising gile tadi..After da penat lelah kejar sekor2, baru jumpa punca utama nyamuk2 tu tak henti datang..ayu tak tutup tingkap bhgn atas bilik die..dats explain why pas sekor, sekor muncul nyamuk..haish..sabor je la~~ bile da penat berperang, masing2 da berpeluh habis and terpaksa mandi sebab dah tak tahan panas.. I love the hops and yells already..hehehe~

April 8, 2011

Ecah is love.

Just got off phone with my beloved, cutest baby ecah..Baru balik shoping and duk makan aiskim dalam kete..Bile mintak nak jugak, die jawab: "nati adik beli la deh.." haha..entah bile nk belikan auntie die ni aiskim agaknye..I miss her and my family damn much..Cant wait for this whole thing to be over sebab tadi pun dia janji, nanti Cik Ly balik, adik tido ngn Cik Ly..hehe~
Currently counting days je keje..macam2 benda kne pikir..makin cepat datang mase utk habis, makin byk benda yang kena fikir and buat. Study and lots of revision sebab another two papers yg masih belum dijawab tu memang  kene menghafal je banyak..and when it comes to study I am a master of delay..suke sangat bertangguh bile nk start study..Mula-mula ingat nak study pagi, bile bgn lambat, takpela..study petang sket then da ngantuk..ok, I think at night lagi senang belajar kot..until its time to sleep..Main game sudoku kat phone jap then terus tido n study xde satu pun..hmm..Fyp is still in progress and right now kene stop jap sebab nk fokus for the two papers.

The other day, bile da bosan sebab malas nak start study, kemas bilik or more specific masukkan semua selipar, sandal n kasut dalam kotak2..Dah lame sangat tak kuar beli kasut..Right now, kene save sikit sebab nak guna duit untuk banyak lagi benda penting..moreover, I have yet to settle with a job after habis belajar ni.

Then, hari rabu lepas, pergi Jalan Pasar sebab nak kene beli barang utk FYP: USB to UART converter..Pergi dengan Abang Ayu, Lobo and Kak Mira. Balik dari sana berhenti makan kat Bandar Baru Sentul: ar Steak..western die best and environment pun memang cantik. Next time memang nak pergi lagi and it would be nicer if I have someone to treat me again..^_^

I had fish and chip with fresh orange..best~!