Today's lunch is roti telur, well I don't know what exactly people call it, but my family call it that way je. Correction, it's not that we don't have proper lunch or so. Tapi, tekak ini tak rase nak makan nasi. Roti yang celup telur bancuh with some creamer milk then goreng bg garing skit. Delicious and a bit sweet taste. Sedap sgt, even my abang ipar yang baru balik pun tiba2 masuk dapur tanya masak ape, sebab bau sedap sgt..hehehe...
the sweet roti telur~yummy |
So, before I planned that next time I wanna go out wearing shawl. And, I did! Proud of myself. Well, it's a a chaos when I'm trying to get ready but I did alright. But, of course I'm being the ridiculous me yang mesti nak tgk my reflection in everything I can.
Now that I mention it, baru realized that I'm the oldest among them. Well, by pangkat at least. Obviously adik iparku yang paling tua kot. Plan asal nak pergi KB Mall tapi kene cancel sebab lambat gerak and by the time we reach it pun, maybe the shops are already closing. So, singgah Billion je. I actually wanted to go there pun before ni to survey a new pair shoes. however, semalam xbeli kasut, tapi beli baju je..hehe~
Later, kitorang singgah di KFC and had dinner.
adik2 yg bile tah nak habis sekolah ni~ ^^ |
da kawen, muka cam budak2 gak minah ni.. |
the adik ipar yg super crazy~ budak2 jgk |
me!~kuar pakai selendang gak akhrnye~ |
Nak pakai shwal ni pun leceh gak sebenarnye..first time pakai, mase tu la sibuk nak cari jarum peniti and nak decide betul ke ni gaya betul pakai shawl. So, kene la study lebih2 lagi supaya sng sket nanti..
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