Well, I'm happily living the life of a boring routine..since this and that is no more fun..I decided to try change my look and start wearing a shawl. It's been a trend ages ago..but I was dissuaded that it might work well and look nice on others but not me. Blog world changed my mind! I read and seen too many pictureS of girls out there looked so nice in their shawls..so why not..it's never too late to try right...
So, I bought inner and shawls and experimented. It's not that bad. Memang la tak nampak lawa mcm org laen pakai..but hey, it's a little experiment to convince myself it's okay to wear a shawl and stop worrying it might look hideous on me. First experiment: kene la dengan shawl hitam since it's the most basic color to try something new.
pin cam tlebih lak..tp it looks okay what...
Jadi la ni kot..~ |
ok, puas hati..leh kot try and wear it next time im out |
Hopefully, I wear it for real. Try and change a little something won't change me become a better person and etc. Tapi, at least boleh ajar diri sendiri untuk lebih ambil berat cara I dress up bila nak keluar..instead of capai je mane yang rase sesuai, which mostly a plain tudung. Bile nak kuar ni..xsabar nak kuar dgn gaya baru..hihi~
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