“Love is like a poisonous mushroom. You don’t know if it is the real thing until it is too late..”

June 15, 2011

The sweetend toast.

Today's lunch is roti telur, well I don't know what exactly people call it, but my family call it that way je. Correction, it's not that we don't have proper lunch or so. Tapi, tekak ini tak rase nak makan nasi. Roti yang celup telur bancuh with some creamer milk then goreng bg garing skit. Delicious and a bit sweet taste. Sedap sgt, even my abang ipar yang baru balik pun tiba2 masuk dapur tanya masak ape, sebab bau sedap sgt..hehehe...
the sweet roti telur~yummy
So, before I planned that next time I wanna go out wearing shawl. And, I did! Proud of myself. Well, it's a a chaos when I'm trying to get ready but I did alright. But, of course I'm being the ridiculous me yang mesti nak tgk my reflection in everything I can. 
Now that I mention it, baru realized that I'm the oldest among them. Well, by pangkat at least. Obviously adik iparku yang paling tua kot. Plan asal nak pergi KB Mall tapi kene cancel sebab lambat gerak and by the time we reach it pun, maybe the shops are already closing. So, singgah Billion je. I actually wanted to go there pun before ni to survey a new pair shoes. however, semalam xbeli kasut, tapi beli baju je..hehe~
Later, kitorang singgah di KFC and had dinner. 

adik2 yg bile tah nak habis sekolah ni~ ^^

da kawen, muka cam budak2 gak minah ni..

the adik ipar yg super crazy~ budak2 jgk
me!~kuar pakai selendang gak akhrnye~
Nak pakai shwal ni pun leceh gak sebenarnye..first time pakai, mase tu la sibuk nak cari jarum peniti and nak decide betul ke ni gaya betul pakai shawl. So, kene la study lebih2 lagi supaya sng sket nanti..

June 13, 2011

Shawl time!~

Well, I'm happily living the life of a boring routine..since this and that is no more fun..I decided to try change my look and start wearing a shawl. It's been a trend ages ago..but I was dissuaded that it might work well and look nice on others but not me. Blog world changed my mind! I read and seen too many pictureS of girls out there looked so nice in their shawls..so why not..it's never too late to try right...
So, I bought inner and shawls and experimented. It's not that bad. Memang la tak nampak lawa mcm org laen pakai..but hey, it's a little experiment to convince myself it's okay to wear a shawl and stop worrying it might look hideous on me. First experiment: kene la dengan shawl hitam since it's the most basic color to try something new. 
pin cam tlebih lak..tp it looks okay what...

Jadi la ni kot..~

ok, puas hati..leh kot try and wear it next time im out
 Hopefully, I wear it for real. Try and change a little something won't change me become a better person and etc. Tapi, at least boleh ajar diri sendiri untuk lebih ambil berat cara I dress up bila nak keluar..instead of capai je mane yang rase sesuai, which mostly a plain tudung. Bile nak kuar ni..xsabar nak kuar dgn gaya baru..hihi~

June 5, 2011

A handful of time

Blessed with lots of free time now that I've finished my studies. And it's kind of okay at first but I'm becoming less and less productive. So, hopefully plan for this july goes smoothly and I'll be able to start my new phase of life.
Not much to do, except for being a nanny, a fultime nanny or I can call myself a mum at times..mmm..confused~! n also my huge part taking care of chores, in the kitchen mostly. Man, I'm still a looser in cooking..guess it'll get better in time. Hey, I got a handful of free time..^^

May 16, 2011

Longest Walking Distance

The more near I am to end my days in IIUM, the more difficult my life been. In a good or bad way, well..it has its own pros and cons. For example, today, I walked hundreds of steps around and about trying to get my tasks done. It's terribly exhausting and the good thing  I hope somehow I managed to lost some extra weight I am gaining these few weeks..
My day started with an early morning driving class for my test this Wednesday and when I'm back in uni, I had to rush and walk all the way to a nearby shop to collect my FYP report as well as Ayu's. Walking all the way there from the college is a very very long journey. Poor me caused I don't have any transport nor anyone to ask for a help..well, it's not me if I am to trouble people with my stuff anyway. After getting the report, went back to engineering department to get my supervisor's signature, burn a copy of the report on a cd, and fetch a transcript on behalf of a friend.
Then bump into a friend that says; "Hey, have you completed this form?" And I was like.."..mmm...what form??" Then only I knew that we had to complete a form to get a clearance for the FYP result.  Had to get all signatures from technicians in all of the department's laboratories to confirm we had all FYP  related documents, tools, software and other stuff returned back to the respective labs. I didn't even know some of the lab, and now I had to get to each one of it just to get technician's signatures. Seriously, if one thing IIUM should be proud of is its own way of torturing the students. And tomorrow's a public holiday, and on Wednesday, I have my driving test. As if I don't enough things to do on my hand already!~ Ugh..and "good news" just keep coming around, engineering staff are having a conference starting tomorrow till Thursday, so trying to find all those people will be like a hunt for a luck instead. 
But here I am, all alone in a room where all my besties and friends already back at home cozily spending time with their precious ones.. Please let me finish all of this easily so that I can be home soon enough. Amin. 

p/s: I just realized that it's actually teacher's day..Hope my teachers ever since I am child in a kindergarten had a blissful lives for their knowledge and sweat made me into I am today. 

May 7, 2011

The Now Me

It's been ages since I last wrote anything. I've been dying to express my lots of things. I wanna write about my finishing Final Year Project, my friends and bFFs-our last day together, my emotional days of the fight with my mother and my always frustrating love..and I don't do any of it because I don't have enough time, pre-occupied in keeping my friends annoyed with me (*wink), it's too heartbreaking to tell and it's never something to share. (the order of causes explained each by its reasons)
So, currently spending my few days left as a student by temporarily staying at my sister's in Segambut. There is still an exhibition to attend next week and the submission of the final copy of the report..and it'll be the last of my fyp and the last of my days as a student. Don't wanna dwell much into it..I'd be crying my eyes out if I am to tell how does it feel. I wanna keep a positive mood on it so that's it then.
I had to finish my driving license course. HUH!~ I'm too old to have not get my license and hopefully I will get it on this 18th of May, InsyaAllah...
Then the questions of my future. Should I go all the way to Penang and undergo training and get my master under Intel or try to submit as much email to many companies out there and hopes to land a job as an engineer? I hate it when I have to make this hard decision and it's killing me...Can't expect things to be easy by now. I mean I'm basically to start a new life right now, a whole new phase of all. I need to change for the better. And I don't know how it'll turn out. I'm only writing about it and I'm already depressed. Dem. Ok, minus the bad word coz I wanna change right. Be positive and all. Please let it all be just fine Ya Allah. Amin.