When there is nothing to do, usually I'm very good at using people to entertain..Well of course I'm the only person enjoying since what I do usually just bothers them until they chased me out of their room. Unfortunately, my roomates are having midterms this week. So I don't wanna disturb them studying. I do have one single candidate to kacw though..my bestie..but I think me myself grown tired to even bother her..already had emotional outburst in her room earlier, throwing pillows and her teddy all over the place..so I think it's enough for today..^_^
Had planned to do some revision tonight (which is very unusually uncommon in my routine), but I ended opening the book on "thyristor chapter" and lying on my bed instead...leaving the book all by itself.. *rolling eyes*.. I do feel guilty..somehow I just can't do the good stuff..Lying on my bed and stares blank right through the wall suits me better kot..I need to change..for the better..which reminds me for the years resolution actually..gonna change into much better person..Well that's always the case and the resolution will always be left as a dream instead...hmm...
“Love is like a poisonous mushroom. You don’t know if it is the real thing until it is too late..”
January 25, 2011
January 22, 2011
~ spending time with mak tam n family ~
It's thaipusam and it's a holiday..it's been ages since I last hear or see mak tam and the family. so instead of spending unproductive day off in my room, we ( me, ayu, yam, yat n yaya, aka my roomates) decided to go visit them and as expected it was the most nicest day instead of my boring routine since we got to eat and eat lots and have fun also.
But before everything, lets first introduce the family. Mak tam and family is actually my neighbour during my practical back in April 2010. Pak tam is pak sedara kepada As, one of my friends. We're able to rent the house pun all credits to them sebab susah payah tlg deal with the owner on last minutes terms. There are 6 of us, Ayu, Yam, As, Syamem, Jus and myself. the three months of internship brought us so close sbb they are the most super nice family I've ever met. Mak tam sgt suka masak and slalu ajak kitorang mkn kt umah, siap bg gold pass privillege nk masak kt dapur ke, nk tgk tv ke n nk lepak umah diorang. their kids: kakak, adik, abang and baby pulak sgt sayang kakak2 sebab asyik duk layan diorang cakap sume bnde. Siap ade ranking kakak femes la, kakak cantik la, kakak kurus n gemuk la...kids..haha..and macam2 lagi la bnde yg memg org normal susah nk wat tapi mak tam ngn pak tam slalu buat sampai kitorang da xleh nk rase segan bile diorg ajk nk blanje makan..:p
which actually one of mak tam's specialty: cooking and baking and of course spoil everybody. she cooks lots and sgt sedap and she bake everything yg very delicious..muffin, cookies, cakes...spending just one night kat umah mak tam, enuf to make us grew 2 kilo fatter kot..haha
But before everything, lets first introduce the family. Mak tam and family is actually my neighbour during my practical back in April 2010. Pak tam is pak sedara kepada As, one of my friends. We're able to rent the house pun all credits to them sebab susah payah tlg deal with the owner on last minutes terms. There are 6 of us, Ayu, Yam, As, Syamem, Jus and myself. the three months of internship brought us so close sbb they are the most super nice family I've ever met. Mak tam sgt suka masak and slalu ajak kitorang mkn kt umah, siap bg gold pass privillege nk masak kt dapur ke, nk tgk tv ke n nk lepak umah diorang. their kids: kakak, adik, abang and baby pulak sgt sayang kakak2 sebab asyik duk layan diorang cakap sume bnde. Siap ade ranking kakak femes la, kakak cantik la, kakak kurus n gemuk la...kids..haha..and macam2 lagi la bnde yg memg org normal susah nk wat tapi mak tam ngn pak tam slalu buat sampai kitorang da xleh nk rase segan bile diorg ajk nk blanje makan..:p
which actually one of mak tam's specialty: cooking and baking and of course spoil everybody. she cooks lots and sgt sedap and she bake everything yg very delicious..muffin, cookies, cakes...spending just one night kat umah mak tam, enuf to make us grew 2 kilo fatter kot..haha
This is my roomates and beloved family angkat. Mak tam, kakak, adik, baby..pak tam camera man, abang lak, mama die tanye; "abg nk msk gmbr x?" n his answer "xnak"..ish..budak laki ni, pemalu sgt..

along the way, kene ade bukti betapa susah and jauhnye perjalanan nak gi umah diorang, all the way to taman putra perdana, puchong. Wed, 6.42 pm, br board train sbb yat ade hal kat class. Blk bilik dalam 4 sumthing then tngu masing2 siap plus hujan lak tu..mintak tlg as, anak sedara ori yg tlg hanta kami gi terminal putra. pastu sampai masjid jamek, transit ke bukit jalil..then only call pak tam, mintak jemput anak2 kat situ..kesian die, tapi kami da xlarat nak menapak da..nsb pak tam baik hati... ;p
Btw, we don't look dat tired pun kan..well girls and cam..penat ke lapar ke..when it comes to 1 2 3 and say cheese..everyone looks nice..
Sampai umah je, budak2 menjerit keriangan and mak tam da ngs terharu..ecece..no la..watpe nk ngs2..peluk cium sume..back to business..dinner!! everyone is starving and mak tam da cook half way...dinner utk malam yg jauh n penat tu is extremely worth every single step..sambal sotong, udang grg kunyit, ikan grg, sayur and air laici..too bad xsempat snap sum pictures..sedapnyer bile ingt blk...
Baru half an hour duk rehat after makan 2 pinggan full, mak tam da stat da..korang nk wat muffin mlm ni ke esok..Ish, mak tam ni..xkan nk makan lg..Kite wat malam ni la!..haha..duhhh, no one says no to her muffins..sedap yg amat kot..
done! with melt choc chips inside..yum2.. |
Plan nk balik in the evening kene delay..sebab mak tam da berat hati nk lepas kitorg blk selagi xbagi makan sampai btul2 sihat..so, another big feast for all..makan and makan sampai kenyang yg xleh nk gerak da..huhu...
makan n makan je keje..;p |
after maghrib prayer, its time to say goodbye..Tapi sempat je amek gmbr byk2..then mak tam tlg hanta sampai kelana jaya..kakak, adik and baby ikut skali..siap hantar kami kat terminal kot..some more pictures and hug and kisses and that's our goodbye..Mak tam da pesan awal2..next time korang dtg, kite wat brownies and BBQ kay..see...belum pape lg da plan mcm2..mak tam nih..she's spoiling us too much..which I will never mind..hehe
comey picture ni cuz im d one yg snap..nk msk gak.. |
I love them all..ntah bile dapat peluang nk jumpa diorang lagi...
January 15, 2011
D day Ends n Starts now...
Already d start of a new day. Got away my early morning with few events and minor bruises. Managed to keep myself well compose and in tact despite being provoke and hurt indirectly. I wanna get some sleep and pray for a healthier and happier and stronger elly. And of course I pray that my family is always well, blessed and happy back at home and wherever they wishes to be. Amin...
masih pagi
It's still early and I'm already bored. Nak kuar sgt2, tp duit still xmasuk lagi. So plan nk go out and buy myself a new handbag kene hold dulu for a momet.
Seriously, never thought getting up early could be very dangerous. To my life actually. Had to escape from my room cuz I dun wanna ruin my life by calling out people randomly and asking them out. Man I'm so close to insanity. And sadly, figured the cold hard truth of my miserable life, I dun have sumbody to call out when Im bored nor anyone I could easily call and go out with and hang out. Well I have friends but I just wanna go out with someone who rarely there in my social circle. It should be more fun if its that way. But I hardly got anyone, so sadly stuck here in TV room and my netbook.
Nak ade baby la camni, blh la main ngn die in the morning. Babies always wake up so early and play all day long..Rindu ecah manyak2...
Seriously, never thought getting up early could be very dangerous. To my life actually. Had to escape from my room cuz I dun wanna ruin my life by calling out people randomly and asking them out. Man I'm so close to insanity. And sadly, figured the cold hard truth of my miserable life, I dun have sumbody to call out when Im bored nor anyone I could easily call and go out with and hang out. Well I have friends but I just wanna go out with someone who rarely there in my social circle. It should be more fun if its that way. But I hardly got anyone, so sadly stuck here in TV room and my netbook.
Nak ade baby la camni, blh la main ngn die in the morning. Babies always wake up so early and play all day long..Rindu ecah manyak2...
naughtiest and cutest baby ecah..love her very much..~ |
early mornin
First day of the year, elly, managed to wake herself at a very early hour of a cool breezing morning..yay for me..=)) It's nice to be so fully awake when everyone else is still deep asleep. And my motivation for the day is to do my laundry. While waiting, lets share it with the world..hehe...
Having to wake up so early, I had so much going on already. Thoughts and wishes and some huge feeling that I really wanna just express it out. If only it is always that simple. Let go just whatever I had in my mind or whatever I felt in my heart. Since im not a through through person and one with lots more idea anyone could ever imagine, suppressing all of them is still the best choice of all.
See, instead of thinking what I should have for breakfast, I'd rather go babbling off my endless thoughts of everything. There is absolutely something wrong with me. Lets be just the ordinary carefree me for once :: Who cares only for me and worries only of myself. ::
Currently listening to Taylor swift, speak now and mine. Love her and wanna be like her. So pretty and talented. Dearest me, keep on dreaming...;p
Hopes for a cheerful today and pray for some courage to do some revision to keep me off the clock and wishing for yet a dream (too embarrassing too mention) too high for me to reach.
Having to wake up so early, I had so much going on already. Thoughts and wishes and some huge feeling that I really wanna just express it out. If only it is always that simple. Let go just whatever I had in my mind or whatever I felt in my heart. Since im not a through through person and one with lots more idea anyone could ever imagine, suppressing all of them is still the best choice of all.
See, instead of thinking what I should have for breakfast, I'd rather go babbling off my endless thoughts of everything. There is absolutely something wrong with me. Lets be just the ordinary carefree me for once :: Who cares only for me and worries only of myself. ::
Currently listening to Taylor swift, speak now and mine. Love her and wanna be like her. So pretty and talented. Dearest me, keep on dreaming...;p
Hopes for a cheerful today and pray for some courage to do some revision to keep me off the clock and wishing for yet a dream (too embarrassing too mention) too high for me to reach.
January 8, 2011
Port dickson:: 1st trip of the year!
January 7, 2011
Happy New Year
My very first post of the year..lets hope the year shall brings me joy and wisdom for me to step through yet another chapter for me world..
New year's eve: out with my dearest friends, ayu, yam, yat and yaya for one whole day of so many steps..first destination is Sogo. Xsempat beli kemeja merah yg da aim few weeks back, frust tp nnt nk carik gak..teman kak mira gi jakel n nagoya n semua house..best masuk jakel..have my eyes set for one wedding dress which is so beautiful..pink n grey coloured which are just perfect...
next up:: KLCC. yup, yet another destination sbb nk teman kak mira buy perfume lak..tried many2 beautiful bottles of perfumes..best of d night is Gucci Guilty..nk beli ke?? my age n my scholar?? no can't do...
Then...tired and desperately need to go back sebab end up buy nothing at all for me except a toothbrush...sbbnye, diri ini xtahan bile da rase kecik hati which caused by sum1 or sumthing..n it doesn't matter pun since everything yg rase cantik n nak beli no longer seems attractive n worth it..one of my 'charming' character really...
Pulang ke uia with a cab, all 5 of us...berjaya pujuk pakcik tu..hehe..hey, its really worth it pun..got one real piece of advice.."msk thn baru, mr kite sme2 kejar n ajar dri untuk cari kekasih yg abadi..Allah swt..." well said pakcik...
Then finally the new year..makan2 kat umah yana..lauk mama kirim from rumah..ikan patin n daging masak merah..sedap sgt n rase btul2 happy..dpt makan msakan mama n dpt get together wif family if not all of them...A call from him and dat settles my happy new year...
New year's eve: out with my dearest friends, ayu, yam, yat and yaya for one whole day of so many steps..first destination is Sogo. Xsempat beli kemeja merah yg da aim few weeks back, frust tp nnt nk carik gak..teman kak mira gi jakel n nagoya n semua house..best masuk jakel..have my eyes set for one wedding dress which is so beautiful..pink n grey coloured which are just perfect...
next up:: KLCC. yup, yet another destination sbb nk teman kak mira buy perfume lak..tried many2 beautiful bottles of perfumes..best of d night is Gucci Guilty..nk beli ke?? my age n my scholar?? no can't do...
Then...tired and desperately need to go back sebab end up buy nothing at all for me except a toothbrush...sbbnye, diri ini xtahan bile da rase kecik hati which caused by sum1 or sumthing..n it doesn't matter pun since everything yg rase cantik n nak beli no longer seems attractive n worth it..one of my 'charming' character really...
Pulang ke uia with a cab, all 5 of us...berjaya pujuk pakcik tu..hehe..hey, its really worth it pun..got one real piece of advice.."msk thn baru, mr kite sme2 kejar n ajar dri untuk cari kekasih yg abadi..Allah swt..." well said pakcik...
Then finally the new year..makan2 kat umah yana..lauk mama kirim from rumah..ikan patin n daging masak merah..sedap sgt n rase btul2 happy..dpt makan msakan mama n dpt get together wif family if not all of them...A call from him and dat settles my happy new year...
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