It's 26th of Dec..just few more days towards the end and a start of a new year and hopefully some fresh new happy episodes of my life. my weekend filled with a program or shud i put it straight:: kursus kawen..haha..
yup, attended and learned a lot and perhaps ready??? nah...there's still way lots for me before the TRUE day, a wedding is fun for d name, a marriage..not exactly suits me or myself, at d moment at least..frens still take me cam budak2..says them.. the real me is much more..ok la, ade la time yg memg suke merengek, cakap or behave and blh x disamakan ngn my baby niece::ecah??..tapi i know wat it takes to be an adult just dun wanna be and dun have to be..well, not yet i guess..
so, kursus kawen..amek sbb memang xde keje, saje gatal2 nk meramaikan jemaah bakal pengantin..haha..we all took it frens and fact ade je muke budak2 junior amek..diorang da ade calon or saje nk isi mase..xtau..ikut suke la..yg penting, i went thru it and got my license to get married or is it really dat easy..going through a 2 days course, know a lil bit if not much bout wat it takes to have a well organized and blessful marriage then just marry off ur tough..
seriously..ceramah2 tu memg fun, ustaz2 lawak gile n memg asyik gelak je dgr cite n pengalaman n tips they shared tp ade je contras die..scary gile dgr sal getting pregnant n giving BIRTH!! okay, so i did joke around with frens, saying..hey, i wanna have a baby next year,,tapi slepas dgr ceramah n di beri peluang utk tgk real life videos, which i soo cannot watch, tp budak2 sibuk lak nk describe n mr penceramah duk selamba je, how it really happens is definitely sorry, i just cant..will i ever find the courage to say yes i wanna be a mum???...insyaAllah, i will tapi tu la...tgk video pun xleh ni nk alami sendiri...hmmm....
pastu ade lak mcm2 cite sal konflik nyer..macam2 sebab remeh n of cos serius reasons yg leh wat kite bubar me old fashioned but i seriously believe dat marriage is sacred..ikatan suci between suami n isteri..walau bagaimane care skalipun, they have to make it work for them n their new family..every parties kene amek role msg2 n live happy thru thick n thin..well, there goes d saying...come wat may, we''l be togther make it happen for it wat we have decided to commit from d moment of akad...
InsyaAllah, bile da sampai jodoh n seru..ade la kot peluang nak rase semua tu..n hopefully i'l make it thru with the one i believe is True for me and my future kids..aminnn...
“Love is like a poisonous mushroom. You don’t know if it is the real thing until it is too late..”
December 26, 2010
November 6, 2010
last nite tercakap sumthing so very childish yg rase cam nk turn back tyme n erase the words n event.. rase xbest cuz im actually being d not so cool me..its not a big deal pun, why the wat i said and acted like so..where's d remote??? i wanna delete it from me n u...or maybe it's not like what i think it is? it's really is nothing..please..let it be nothing...
November 5, 2010
i adore ICE CREAM
4th Nov, morning: EOP ice cream hunt at Wangsa Walk..
it turned out, my craving for so many2 days paid room has the best ice cream in the least i said so n tasted so n felt like so..ngee~ love every bite of to my dearest roomie, yat..she's d driver n d person responsible for yet another thing for me to crave for d next few years..hehehe
yat sedang merewang mencari atm, yam lak sibuk nk try toilet kat n yaya, lepak jap..kite pose.. (^_^)
then, order ice cream at ice room, take away cuz xnk mkn kat sushi house tu..perisa yg mnjadi pilihan: peanut for yat, passion fruit for yummy n strawberry for yaya n me..
lunch at A&w with giant bowls of ice room specials for everyone.. it look so pretty n snowy n tasted even better... ~heaven...~
~ fresh strawberry fruit snow ice ~ |
too bad, yam duk sebelah..finished wit mine, hers into me mouth..besh2...
yat n her peanut snow ice..nmpk cam isi ayam pun ade gak...i dun really like peanut, so die punye memg konfem xkena curik...hahaha
off to uia with a full stomach n warm-filled heart..
November 2, 2010
my mum
Mama masuk wad, and I knew bout it only after three days. tu pun sbb kuar ngn my sis n she accidentally said it..mule2 dgr, bengang gile,, how come I wasn't told bout it..I'm her daughter too, I deserve to know..then got a picture from adik ngn mama..muke die sakit sgt, when I text, sjk bile plak ma msk wad..she called n explained that they purposely it hide it from me since I'm in d middle of my final..
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~ mira n my mum, she look a lot thinner n very weak..~ |
Alasan: rejected!! thats explained why I've been so sad these few days..should have known disbbkan mase tu kat luar, xleh nk tnjk marah or ngs2 ke..wat kool saje..
pastu blk cite ngn ayu..rase nk ngs kat situ jugak,,again I'm being super cool me, whom amazingly can hold my tears..xnk dwell into it, I'm for sure gonna be depressed. Tp pastu memg xleh wat ape sgt n pening je rase..called her twice to check on her..she sounds alright but still...she's in d hospital..there's nothing ok bout dat..
How I wish I could be there and keep her company or take care of her. But it seems lyk everybodys doing well, adik da pandai take charge n msk, papa lak rjn pg bsh sume bj..they shud have done it sooner though..ini tak, sume nk harap mama yg buat then bile da skt2 camni, br ingt nk sumbang tenaga..
" Ya Allah, berilah kekuatan dan kesihatan yg baik untuk ibuku n my whole family. let they be in peace, cucurilah rahmat MU dan jgnlah Engkau tarik nikmat yg telah Kau berikan kpd kami..."
October 31, 2010
m ~ e ~ u
Mood:: super sedih
Reason:: my precious treasure, my studies n my someone
Options:: tears?? tell?? keep??
Solution:: manifestation of super happy Ellys..." it'll be gone b4 u knew it "
October 30, 2010
i'm not selfish!
Final exam mode, no matter what happen, I'm not gonna let anything or anyone ruin my future for whatever reason they have and for whatever important thing they have. Not even my family.
For real, I don't care and yes, I don't wanna care. For me, my final is my life, my future. I'm not gonna ruin my pointer for some petty things. Not ever!!!
For real, I don't care and yes, I don't wanna care. For me, my final is my life, my future. I'm not gonna ruin my pointer for some petty things. Not ever!!!
October 27, 2010
- F.Y.P. 1 - (o_0)
Okay..the seriousness of the matter is way way beyond my imagination. Presentation is due tomorrow morning and I'm yet to prepare everything that must come into matters. The "best thing" for my department is that every single, scary and incredibly intelligent lecturers will show their full support for their beloved students. How I wish they just continue what they do best; research, lecture (well, no more classes by this time already), meetings??...anything but not being in that room.
Second presenter for the morning session..and when it's over pun, I can't get away from it. Must be there until the session ends. How ridiculous is that??? I want to finish it and get it over with. Go out and see a movie or something...anything would do for me to get rid of the nightmare.
"Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku, I pray for your guidance, give me strength and show me the right path..."Ameeen.
Second presenter for the morning session..and when it's over pun, I can't get away from it. Must be there until the session ends. How ridiculous is that??? I want to finish it and get it over with. Go out and see a movie or something...anything would do for me to get rid of the nightmare.
"Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku, I pray for your guidance, give me strength and show me the right path..."Ameeen.
~ sharing ~
1. Don't compare your life to others'. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
2. Don't have negative thoughts of things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment
3. Don't over do; keep your limits
4. Don't take yourself so seriously; no one else does
5. Don't waste your precious energy on gossip
6. Dream more while you are awake
7. Forget issues of the past. Don't remind your partner of his/her mistakes of the past. That will ruin your present happiness.
8. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don't hate others.
9. Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present
10. No one is in charge of your happiness except you
11. Smile and laugh more
12. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
13. Call your family often
14. Spend time with people over the age of 70 & under the age of 6
15. Try to make at least three people smile each day
16. What other people think of you is none of your business
17. Your job will not take care of you when you are sick. Your family and friends will. Stay in touch.
20. Do the right things
21. However good or bad a situation is, it will change
22. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up
23. The best is yet to come
24. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful
25. When you awake alive and healthy in the morning, thank your parents for giving you this life, sing a song and be contented with everything, like the birds who stride the sky!
While you practice all of the above, share this knowledge with the people you love, people you hate,
people you play with, people you work with and people you live with.
Not only will it enrich YOUR life, but also that of those around you.
1. Don't compare your life to others'. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
2. Don't have negative thoughts of things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment
3. Don't over do; keep your limits
4. Don't take yourself so seriously; no one else does
5. Don't waste your precious energy on gossip
6. Dream more while you are awake
7. Forget issues of the past. Don't remind your partner of his/her mistakes of the past. That will ruin your present happiness.
8. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don't hate others.
9. Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present
10. No one is in charge of your happiness except you
11. Smile and laugh more
12. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
13. Call your family often
14. Spend time with people over the age of 70 & under the age of 6
15. Try to make at least three people smile each day
16. What other people think of you is none of your business
17. Your job will not take care of you when you are sick. Your family and friends will. Stay in touch.
20. Do the right things
21. However good or bad a situation is, it will change
22. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up
23. The best is yet to come
24. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful
25. When you awake alive and healthy in the morning, thank your parents for giving you this life, sing a song and be contented with everything, like the birds who stride the sky!
While you practice all of the above, share this knowledge with the people you love, people you hate,
people you play with, people you work with and people you live with.
Not only will it enrich YOUR life, but also that of those around you.
October 24, 2010
~ my saviours ~
Lucky for me, there is always someone I can count on whenever I needed something or just want to have something. First up:: my dearest and kindest sister. I totally feel like she's the one and only person who can make me feel better by coming and saving me from this dull routine of a my student's life.
She came and took me for a nice food and good movie at Wangsa Walk, though its not that far from here, still, it's a refuge for me. Been craving to eat at the A&W for quite some time and yesterday, I had it all.The curly fries and rootbeer float and yummy mozza burger. Then we watched movie:: The other guys. Which is incredibly hilarious and funny. Had a good time laughing and enjoying my time fully that it made me feel quite relieved from all the stress for one whole week.
But then at night, again I felt stressed because I can't do my work. My office cannot be used and it's actually not a big deal 'cause I can always do it today. But still... I'm feeling hopeless and my shout on facebook actually call for another saviour. An old friend back in school and he is so kind to help me figure out the problem with the office. See, this always happens with guys..,they just so amazing with computers and actually girls are too.
He asked me to check on the file, to change the code from a registry editor, getting into an admin account, hidden files and all those stuff I never bother to know...and we did everything but in the end, the office still unusable. I'm torned but so touched with his care for spending three hours of teaching me all those things. Man, he is so nice. I even thought that if it actually worked, I may even fell for him. hahaha...But no, nothing between us. He is just a friend, maybe not just a friend now that he is so kind, he is a good friend!
Thank you my sister and my friend for being you and superbly nice.
October 23, 2010
Today, I woke up quite early after one blissful night of sleep. had a terrible headache ever since the day to rush finishing my FYP report and after being forced to have an Actifast, I sleep and left everything undone including my discussion for yet another project.
Actually there is two more projects; MSD and DCS, which are due by this Monday. hey, I'm a student and that's what we do. Studies and projects and assignments and quizzes. And yet more to come, FYP presentation as well as the FINAL!!!
There is so much thing to do and I'm already worried that it makes me feel like I'm loosing my speech. Literally..when I have too many to think and there is just too many to be done, I find it hard to get myself involve in an everyday conversion with everyone. I don't feel like talking and can't even grasp what others are saying. It actually happened! Like when I had to do the FYP, I became so quite and emotionless but right after I submitted it, I feel like talking to everyone and it made my mouth felt so tired doing all the talking and laughing...
There is this post a friend kind enough to share with me to remind me again about the duty of a student is actually "amanah".
It's really nice. And hopefully I'll make it through the remaining days of this semester with ease and His blessings. Ameen...
October 17, 2010
~ thE dinnEr ~
Location:: D'Villa Residence Hotel, Ampang
Time:: 830pm (dats when we arrived) until...12am (that's the time we left)
So, the dinner. The food..tried everything. Laksa, taste some from kak ma's, rojak buah, salad n sausage, fruits, macaroni, lemon chicken from yat, Ikan tenggiri from yaya, n caramel...N oh, mushroom soup and bread. I totally forgot to take pictures of the food. hmmm...
About the whole dinner, band, emcees, people..Can't tell much..but I think there's too many too show..ha ha..Girls..they just can't stop taking pictures. the fun of the night is actually when we started to take pictures, pictures and many more pictures. Handphones, cams which is too many that night. I'm not sure though whether I can get all the pictures with my face in it. That's the joy of a picture, my face must be in it!! hehehe~ Overall, I had so much fun!!!
the butterfly: idea of 1 of d girls from mechatronics, so each 1 of us have one dat says, we are the mechatronic girls!!
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~ mecha girls ~ |
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~ smile..n snap!! ~ |
Being part of a real photo-shoot with me dearest friends and buddies. (^_^)
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~ wannabees models ~ |
Location:: Uiam, tangga besar.
Time:: One am!!
Photographer:: Mak TEya
( very picky but the result shows nothing but perfect nite of laugh n fun...)
October 15, 2010
Annual Grand Dinner
Tonight: annual grand dinner for us; 062/063/071 engineering batch. I still have another semester to go but the dinner is brought forward due to whatever reason they have. my aim; wanna have fun and experience for myself the dinner during my studies. It's not something to be missed!
Our theme:: WhITE MasQuerade
What?!! Definitely not gonna go for the mask, finding a white dress is hard enough. In the end, I decided to go out of theme..ha ha..hey, I paid the fee alright, so let me decide what I wanna wear. So, here is what I'll be wearing...
Its not white, not even a slight hint of white actually. My mum is worried whether they will let me pass without wearing a white dress..Should I worried too?? Naaa...redah jer...!!!
And this is my shoes..alright, it's a wedges. But hey, I don't have enough budget to go for a new heels and I don't even wear heels. This should be alright.
What else?? Handbag, my scarf ( a striking red one!) and wonderful touch of make up to make me look pretty. Oh, the most important part of the costume...a mask!! I don't even know where to look for it. So, lets ignore that part too..I'm ignoring the whole theme, really..
Anticipating the dinner, I wanna go there, have fun and (honestly) I wanna see how people would dress up for it. Can't wait!!!
October 14, 2010
It's a start!!
Salam..with the blessings from Him, I officially launch my very own blog..YAY!!! Hehe, have been dreaming of having one for quite some time actually. Now that I finally have the courage to create it, lets hope it will last for as long as I still can go online..
At this moment, I'm still not sure what should I be posting. Perhaps my everyday events, or my greatest secrets of all. I do have so many to tell but not everybody I know can perhaps this will be my platform of telling. Just don't wanna get caught though. Lets see how it goes..
I love pink and I love butterfly but that's not my eyes..haha..this picture will be a nice touch to describe me for the moment.
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